Cloud repatriation: A move away from innovation? | HCLTech

Cloud repatriation: A move away from innovation?

Cloud repatriation is the trend of moving workloads, apps and data from the cloud to on-prem. This presents several challenges and could represent a move away from innovation.
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Nicholas Ismail
Nicholas Ismail
Global Head of Brand Journalism, HCLTech
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Cloud repatriation: A move away from innovation?

HCLTech’s latest cloud research, Cloud Evolution: Make innovation a habit, presented several key findings that suggested cloud is essential in helping organizations drive innovation and continuous modernization.

But some respondents suggested they might increase efforts to move some workloads from public cloud to local infrastructure.

Looking to explore this topic further, Alan Flower, Executive Vice President – CTO and Global Head, Cloud Native & AI Labs at HCLTech and Siki Giunta, Executive Vice President, CloudSMART, Offerings Strategy, Industry Cloud Consulting at HCLTech, sat down to discuss the idea of cloud repatriation.

Flower said: “When clients express a desire to move away from their current cloud providers, it’s not so much a statement of repatriation, it’s more a statement about their current journey has perhaps failed or not been as successful [as anticipated].”

Watch the conversation to learn more.

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